Recent content by metroedu

  1. M

    building a new table

    I am trying to build a new table. I have inserted some "prints" so I know where in my script fall apart. I am also using an include script for the database to be used. this include script is used many other places and it works. Here is the result with the error message: Start conversion 09:17...
  2. M

    can't find database (I use it in many places and it works) $conn = mysqli_connect( ("localhost", "metrodb", "password", "metrodb"); $db_select = mysqli_select_db($conn, "metrodb"); Now, here comes the problem: $sql = "INSERT INTO schulen SET E_Schoolnumber = '$Schoolnumber'...
  3. M

    cannot connect/find database on new server

    We had to change to a new server. I ran all the old php 5.0 code through a php 7.4 editor using DZSoft. I made a number of corrections. However connecting to the database on the new server (which runs on php7.4) creates a fatal error. Here is the code I am using: $conn =...
  4. M

    php 5 to php 7.4

    Below is a function I have used for over 10 years in PHP 5. Now going to PHP 7.4 I get an error because of "curly braces". Can anybody tell me how/what I should change? function random_string($Ncharacters) { static $CharList = "QWERTYUPKJHGFDSAZXCVBNMqwertyupkjhgfdsazxcvbnm"; $String =...