Recent content by nitiphone2021

  1. N

    send big blob file to PHP server

    Dear friends. As I create a website and javascript to record voice and send it to server side(PHP). it's work on small file size but if it's large the sending will be fail. Could you please kindly help me check my code? why I can't see the file on the server? Existing code Javscript var fd =...
  2. N

    buy POS web base include source code

    Dear friend, now I want to starting new business for IT company and i want to buy some software include source code then I can start to sell it not from 0 The first one is POS webbase, Do you have any suggestions the way to get it for good price and good quality? I know about PHP, JAVASCRIPT...
  3. N

    JWT, composer internal error on Firebase\JWT\JWT

    According to I would like to try to use JWT for my PHP and these are my step on domain/app/ composer require firebase/php-jwt so I have domain/app/login.php domain/app/vendor/firebase/... and on the login.php try{ echo "1"; require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); use...
  4. N

    want to send URL but get cut // from my string

    According to I have a SOAP API send to a operator for SMS server and the operator they create API by PHP so I want to send a URL to them "" But the operator always cut to be "" I try /// but get only one / So Do you have any idea to...
  5. N

    chat room, send audio to store in server

    According to I make a website for chat and I want to send voice to communicate. so I use this script from This is javascript function createDownloadLink(blob) { //name of .wav file to use during upload...
  6. N

    websocket on private host

    According to I want ot run a websocket for PHP and javasscript. and I have a private host on internet example How can I basic use websocket on it? on client slide it's easy for copy some javascript's example but on Server side. what should I do? need to install by composer or...
  7. N

    PHP 5 Internal error about chr(255).chr(254).@mb_convert_encoding

    Dear all, According to I install old project about cakePHP and I make some report but get a error about Server Internal error As I checked It's error about this code try{ $excelContent = chr(255).chr(254).@mb_convert_encoding($excelContent, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo...
  8. N

    share website URL to facebook not show information

    Dear all, According to I create a website and I try to copy the URL to facebook for sharing but when post it. the post not show information about the website. I add meta but still not work.
  9. N

    Send soap API timeout

    Dear all, Accoring to I created a soap API for sending SMS but timeout I found the server not reply. so I would like to protect the timeout case like retry or something. $requestmsg = array('msg'=>$msg); /* SEND SOAP API */ $result = $client->SendSMS($requestmsg); /* RESPONSE FROM SOAP API*/
  10. N

    PHP Version 5.6.40, internal error for connect mysql

    According to I have a project need to use PHP 5.6.40 connect to mysql version 5.7.34 This URL for phpinfo() when I try to connect it by below coding $servername = "localhost"; $username = "user"; $password = "pass"; $db_database = 'db_unelr'...
  11. N

    reinstall old cakePHP v1.3.11 project

    Hi all friends, As I want to install old cakePHP project from v1.3.11 in my virtualBox but when I run it fail Do you have any idea how this error message? I am not the writer of the project but I need to reinstall it this is the requirement for the project Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS Apache/2.4.18...
  12. N

    PHP exec not work on PHP 7.2.34

    Hi all. I tried to execute command below ` echo '<br/>'.$data. " >=> " . exec("java -jar encrypt.jar ".$data." ".$privateKey, $key);` it's look like we run `java -jar encrypt.jar ssdsds` I can run this command on the server by ssh but when I use PHP code, it's nothing. so...
  13. N

    set website name for intranet on linux apache

    Dear All, Now I am setthing Ubuntu server for my intranet network and now I can access the web intranet when we stay on the same wifi network but I can access only the website by IP address. like so I want to set website name like http://website...... Do you have any...
  14. N

    How can i get information from this array

    Dear All, How can I get information that return from this array by loop to get all information. the information is from database query and it has 2 rows information Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5 [t_test_date] => 2021-02-11 [t_test_number] => 1 [t_uid] => 202102110001 [t_test_type] => 1...
  15. N

    create json for post ajax to PHP

    I have a dynamic form want to send the information to PHP side by AJAX, so I think it will be good if sending by JSON format This is my code/* This is get row count from table*/ var rowlength = document.getElementById("sublab").rows.length; /* I create array to get information*/ var...