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  1. D

    Change multiple input including text and select on change of datalist input

    I have a datalist and a textbox. When I change data in list, textbox change accordingly. Now I wish same to happen with multiple input like textbox, textarea, dropdown select etc. I do not wish to use dropdown select instead of datalist. Please guide me. Below is my code. <input list="ff"...
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    Recreate datatable on button click

    I have a datatable which loads on page loading. I wish to recreate it on button click so that it shows data as per input provided in input box. Please guide me. Below is code for datatable. <table width="100%" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-example1">...
  3. D

    Split data line by line and add transverse lime between then

    I have text data in php database. I want to separate it line by line and add transverse line between them while printing in a table. Please guide me.
  4. D

    Open window folder using php code

    I want to open window folder in window and not in browser. I got below code from net but it is not working. Please guide me. if (isset($_POST['Report'])) { $file_location = 'D:\REPORTS'; exec("start \"\" \"{$file_location}\""); }
  5. D

    password protected button

    I have created php project for hospital management. I have a button to update patient data. I wish to protect update function with password, means when button is present, a pop up message should flash asking to enter password and upon entering correct password only, data should be updated...
  6. D

    Copy data from table and paste into text area

    I have a table in php page and it has two columns. One is for edit which brings all data and echo in text area as required. I have another button copy where I wish to copy only four columns and wants to keep rest of data as such. My code is given below. Edit buttons works fine but copy is not...
  7. D

    Age from DOB

    I have php programme for hospital managment. I calculate age from DOB. I wants to add "Yr" after age calculation. Please guide me how to add "Yr" after calculation. Below is my code. var dob11 = new Date(document.getElementById('Age1').value);
  8. D

    Get DOB from age

    Dear members, I have created software for hospital management. I want DOB from age. I created a script and it gives DOB in string form. I want it in date formate. Please help me. Below is my script <script> function test() { var age =...
  9. D

    Get selected drop down

    I have similar problem. I have one tab source from where I fatch value from column 'Pathology' into option and then insert into another table bdaily column 'Pathology'. Till here it is working fine . But in view I want to fatch same inserted value from bdaily column 'Pathology' and get it...