Search results

  1. L

    second friday of this month

    $dowa=array( "monday"=>"MO", "tuesday"=>"TU", "wedesday"=>"WE", "thursday"=>"TH", "friday"=>"FR","saturday"=>"SA", "sunday"=>"SU"); $woma = array ("", "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"); Working with Google Calendar. The downloaded ics file gives a start date of 3 years ago along...
  2. L

    Reload only part of a page

    I've seen pages that do what I want - you think I can find them now? I have a page, simple 3 row table - head, body, foot. In the head is a menu: a, b, c ... If I click on menu selection as a POST to Self I'd like to have "body" update without reloading head and foot to be reloaded.
  3. L

    Third Thursday - Bug #43452

    Bug #43452 was opened in 2007. Bug is: if you do "strtotime('third tuesday..." and the first of the month is on a Tuesday you get the fourth Tuesday. or Wed or Thur or... The bug is still there. 16 years later? or did it come back? A workaround is: if ($day == 22) $day = 15;
  4. L

    Semiauto Select/Option code

    I have a web page generated from a sql db - calendar. I got tired of having to update the code for every any minor change with Enum columns in the db. So... <?php # Func: DB, Table, Column, prev.selected, prefix if joined tables # joined tables: tabA data for web display, # tabB...
  5. L

    sort array of numbers

    Creating a calendar. (index.php) First thing: (mysql) create a 2dim array (day)(event). event is "hour|priority|date|text" Then for each day pass myarr[$day] and sort so that text is displayed in time order. The array is generated via $myarr[$day][] .= "$H|$r[2]|$r[0]|$r[1]|$r[3]"; print_r...