Assigning all usable colours to an image



When creating images, I don't want to have to assign every colour I'm going to use to every image I'm creating each time I create a new image.
For example, the following code creates a small text box with the text "Image A":

// some settings
    $angle = 90;
    $text = ' Image A ';
    $font_face = 'arial.ttf';
    $font_size = 20; //(int) pixels in GD 1, or points in GD 2

// retrieves box frame
    $box = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font_face, $text);
    $bottom_left_x = $box[0]; // used below
    $bottom_left_y = $box[1]; // used below
    $bottom_right_x = $box[2]; // used below
    $bottom_right_y = $box[3];
    $top_right_x = $box[4];
    $top_right_y = $box[5];
    $top_left_x = $box[6];
    $top_left_y = $box[7]; // used below

// define width and height of the text box
    $box_w = abs($bottom_left_x) + abs($bottom_right_x);
    $box_h = abs($bottom_left_y) + abs($top_left_y);

// add padding
    $padding_x = 2;
    $padding_y = 2;
    $box_w = $box_w + 2 * $padding_x;
    $box_h = $box_h + 2 * $padding_y;

// origin of the text = baseline of the first char
    $text_x = abs($bottom_left_x) -1 + $padding_x;
    $text_y = $box_h -1 - abs($bottom_left_y) - $padding_y;

// create the image
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor($box_w, $box_h);

// define some colors
    $white = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255);
    $black = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0);
    $lightgrey = imagecolorallocate($img, 200, 200, 200);
    $grey = imagecolorallocate($img,100,100,100);
    $yellow = imagecolorallocate($img, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00);


// attribute colors
    $font_color         =  $blue;
    $padding_color      =  $lightgrey;
    $background_color   =  $yellow;

// fill image with background color
    imagefill($img, 0, 0, $background_color);

// fill image with padding color
    imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $box_w, $padding_y - 1, $padding_color); // top
    imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $padding_x - 1, $box_h - 1, $padding_color); // left
    imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, $box_h - $padding_y -1, $box_w, $box_h - 1, $padding_color); // bottom
    imagefilledrectangle($img, $box_w - $padding_x, 0, $box_w - 1, $box_h - 1, $padding_color); // right

//write text
    imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, $text_x, $text_y, $font_color, $font_face, $text);

//rotate image
    if ($angle > 0)
        $img = imagerotate($img, $angle, $white);

// send header
    header("Content-type: image/gif");

//sends image


The code for allocateThreeColours.php is...


function allocateThreeColours($image)

    //  This function turns colour names into their actual values
    //  on the Red-Green-Blue scale.
    function color_allocate ($image2, $color)
    	switch ($color)
    		case "black":
    			$red     = 0;
    			$green   = 0;
    			$blue    = 0;
    		case "blue":
    			$red     = 51;
    			$green   = 51;
    			$blue    = 255;
    		case "yellow":
    			$red     = 255;
    			$green   = 255;
    			$blue    = 51;
    	return imagecolorallocate ($image2, $red, $green, $blue);

    //  create an array of all the colours you are going to need
    //  (the ones specified above) in alphabetical order...

    $kolours = array(0 =>   'black',

    $image2 = $image;

//  assign all of those colours to the image...

    foreach($kolours as $key => $value)
        color_allocate($image2, $value);



My question is, can't I use a function something like " allocateThreeColours($img);" to allocate as many colours as I need to each image I'm creating? When you view the above code, the text is still in black, not blue, as I wanted. If the method is sound but the PHP is wrong, please could somebody correct it?

Thanks in advance.
At first glance you didn't define :

$blue = imagecolorallocate($img, 86, 106, 175);
I appreciate you taking the time to read my question, but I spent a lot of time making sure all the text in my question was clear and that the code was well documented and that everything other people needed in order to answer the question was present. You then start your reply with "At first glance". Please don't glance at the question and then post a short reply - if you had read my question and associated code in full, you would have seen that I've done that step in the "allocateThreeColours" function but it doesn't work.

My original question still stands, can I logically do this and if so, is this not the correct way to do it?

Just to clarify again, I don't want to have to declare every colour and associate it with each image I try to create. Instead, I want to be able to call a function that will associate ALL colours with my image. That way, I can call the function once for each image I'm creating rather than declare 3 colours for image 1, 4 different colours for image 2, and so on. Geddit?
When you view the above code, the text is still in black, not blue, as I wanted

When I define $blue, the text will be blue. That was the first glance.
This might be what you want.

A color table : colors.php


$Black   = array(0,0,0);
$White   = array(255,255,255);
$Red     = array(255,0,0);
$Lime    = array(0,255,0);
$Blue    = array(0,0,255);
$Yellow  = array(255,255,0);
$Cyan    = array(0,255,255);
$Aqua    = array(0,255,255);
$Magenta = array(255,0,255);
$Fuchsia = array(255,0,255);
$Silver  = array(192,192,192);
$Gray    = array(128,128,128);
$Maroon  = array(128,0,0);
$Olive   = array(128,128,0);
$Green   = array(0,128,0);
$Purple  = array(128,0,128);
$Teal    = array(0,128,128);
$Navy    = array(0,0,128);

function color_allocate ($image, $color) {
	return imagecolorallocate ($image, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);


When you want to assign a color, do this :


// attribute colors
$font_color         =  color_allocate ($img, $Blue);
$padding_color      =  color_allocate ($img, $Gray);
$background_color   =  color_allocate ($img, $Yellow);

Sorry for the massive delay in replying :oops:

That is exactly what I wanted. Thanks a million.