Break long words ...




how can I break a word in some other parts ?
I have a fix-width table which has to show some sentensed in it
user will enter some details to show in that table
if he enters like :

Hello , My name is BlaBla ...

I can use word wrap to show details in that table ,
but since user enters something like this :


Then table will stretch !!!
how can I break this word to a fix size ?

Its not all about one word , user input could be something like this :

Helloooooooooooooooooooo my name issssssssssssssssssssss BlaBla

as you can see , the word (HELLO) should break as well as the word (Is)
not rest of the sentence ... so How can I make a function to break
the neccesary words ?
Do you mean using this code? :


but it just hide horizontal scroll bar in the page !
I like to show all the text but like to break them
actually Ive found something :

$text = "A very long woooooooooooord.";
$newtext = wordwrap($text, 8, "<br>", 1);

it works good , but it will break all the words ! I just like to
break the long words !

how can I do this ?
I have found it :p

here is the code for people who want to use the same function :

function word_wrap($texte,$lng_max) {
   // Script
   $esp=explode(" ",$texte);
   // sur tout la longeur du texte
   while ($i<=count($esp)) {
       // si  le mot est trop gd
       if ($lng_mot>$lng_max) {
           // on decoupe
           for ($j=0;$j<=$nb_f;$j++) {
               $mot.=substr($esp[$i],($j*$lng_max),$lng_max)." ";
       $tmp_txt.=$esp[$i]." ";
   return $tmp_txt;

Cheers mate ...
WoozyDuck said:
$text = "A very long woooooooooooord.";
$newtext = wordwrap($text, 8, "<br>", 1);

it works good , but it will break all the words ! I just like to
break the long words !

Why not just use space or \n instead of <br>?
It doesnt work good
it still stretch the table
but Ive used the other function and it works perfect! ;)