Completely New and Overwhelmed.



Hello everyone,

The quick short question is how/what order to learn PHP, MySQL (and HTML) in order to build a web based database application.
current plan is a basic HTML course (HTML for beginners) to get an understanding of it, then try to tackle PHP, and finally learn MySQL.

How much HTML do I need to conquer PHP? and should I learn MySQL before or after I learn PHP.

I have spent the last 2 years teaching my-self MS Access and SQL Server, I built a fantastic database application for a non profit that I help run, and almost no one can use because...... well. I built it in Access.
(i had no idea what I was doing when i started, didn't know what was really needed or if it would ever actually become anything, so I don't fault my-self too much)

Anyway the time has come to make this thing a true web based application and all the research I have done tells me I need to re-build this thing using PHP & MySQL.
A big mountain to climb but i am confident I can do it.

Any thoughts are appreciated, I have tried the general web, but would rather get an answer from an individual than a website trying to sell me something.

Thank you
If you want to learn that right then you should fallow these steps:
1. Choose the technology - You choose the PHP + MySQL, but to create an app you should also choose:
- SPA or MPA
a) SPA - Single Page Application - frontend and backend are separated, that is more clean and allow you to create i.ex. mobile app without any changes on the backend. Choosing this way you will need to create frontend in complex frontend framework (i.ex. in angular, react.js)
b) MPA - Multi Page Application - backend will generate the HTML for each page, it is easier way to develop, but also easier is make the mess in the code
- PHP framework - you can use the pure PHP, but you will need to solve many problems that someone solved creating the framework. I can suggest to you Laravel (for MPA) and Lumen (for SPA), both are similar made by the same team and are mostly compatible
- Frontend framework - for SPA you should choose something more complex like angular or react.js, for SPA and MPA you also will need any additional frameworks for layout, themes or icons like bootstrap 5, fontawesome, remix icon
2. Learn basics of HTML and CSS
3. Learn basics of PHP and SQL then MySQL
4. Read about OOP and SOLID rules
5. Learn basics of framework template engine (Laravel uses Blade, but you can also use more powerful Twig)
6. Create learning project (i.ex. simple todo app), if you start from the app that you want to create you will have to rewrite it from scratch again

If you need help with learning give me know