Converting Field Values to Hyperlinks



I have a table that's generated from a query and wonderd if it was possible using PHP and MySQL to do the following:

Turn one of the field values to hyperlinks and then when clicked, generate a webpage based upon another query...?

I know it's probably childsplay to some of you hard core programmers but I'm just learning and taking my time here to make sure I actually understand what I am doing while I go through the development phase so any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Harlequin said:
I have a table that's generated from a query and wonderd if it was possible using PHP and MySQL to do the following:

Turn one of the field values to hyperlinks and then when clicked, generate a webpage based upon another query...?

I know it's probably childsplay to some of you hard core programmers but I'm just learning and taking my time here to make sure I actually understand what I am doing while I go through the development phase so any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
you may use any class of MySQL or other DB type (you may write by self)
in the page you firs check the for example $newQuery if not exist then see what you get other variables....
if for example vriable for example doSomthingWithClient is exist then sQuery = "SELECT * from" or somthing else....
Idea generate new query....
this is what I ended up with. seems to work OK:

echo "<td width=\"80\"><font face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"1\"><a href=\"details.php?ID=" . $result[ID] . "\">View Details</a></font></td>";