
phpmyadmin does it, so get you'reself phpmyadmin, find out wich file exactly does the trick (wich is tbl_move_copy.php) and look in that file how phpmyadmin does it.
Then simply do the same or think of something better :)

You could also copy the table with the records.
then delete everything from that table, and you got you'reself a empty new table. You don't want to do that with large tables though, may take a LOT of time :)

Greetz Daan
DoppyNL said:
phpmyadmin does it, so get you'reself phpmyadmin, find out wich file exactly does the trick (wich is tbl_move_copy.php) and look in that file how phpmyadmin does it.
phpMyAdmin will actually output (most of the time) the sql query it performed, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
Jay said:
phpMyAdmin will actually output (most of the time) the sql query it performed, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
It only doesn't tell you how it got to that query, darn.
If you want to know that you will still have to go to the file.

Greetz Daan