DirtyWord Class (Rated PG)



I am in the process of learning OOP by reading "PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming" by Larry Ullman (BTW - In my opinion a very good book to further your skills in php). An decided to test out my newly learned programming skills on a very simple Class that replaces 'dirty' words with 'clean' words. Like I said this is a very simple dirty word checker that can easily be thwarted by misspelling the words intentionally or other clever ways that we have all seen. I guess though it could be improved upon, but in my opinion it would be a losing battle. :D

Anyways here's the class the I called DirtyWord.php

<?php # DirtyWord class version 1.0 beta
// DirtyWord is a class.

class DirtyWord {
    public $checkTitle;	
    public $checkContent;

    /* This constructor sets up two variables though it could work fine with just one,
     * but since it is written for a blog website I thought this would make better sense.
    function __construct($data) {
	     $this->checkTitle = $this->bad_word_filter($data['title']);
	     $this->checkContent = $this->bad_word_filter($data['content']);    
    protected function bad_word_filter($data) {
		  // Simple Bad Word Filer Written in Object-Oriented Style.
		  // Simply stops & replaces the offending word from being uploaded to the database.
		  //  ***Feel Free to Use or Modify It.
		  // It's not very sophisticated for it won't catch purpose mispellings 
		  // of bad words. 
		  // Bad Words go into $patterns array 
		  $patterns[0]= "****";
		  $patterns[1]= "****";
		  $patterns[2] = "*******";
		  $patterns[3] = "****";
		  $patterns[4] = "****";
		  $patterns[5] = "****";
		  $replacements[0] = "fiddlesticks";
		  $replacements[1] = "hockeypuck";
		  $replacements[2] = "scatterbrain";
		  $replacements[3] = "dread";
		  $replacements[4] = "homer";
		  $replacements[5] = "prostitute";	    	    
		  return $this->user_edits = str_ireplace($patterns, $replacements, $data); //replace it							 		   

This is only a partial code of my edit_page.php file, It uses quickform2 form PEAR package that the author uses and that I plan on using for it's a very neat little package. Anyways I think my comments are pretty much self-explanatory, so I will leave you with that:

 // Process the data if form is validated:
 if ($form->validate()) {
	 // Update the edited text:	 
	 $query = 'UPDATE pages
			 SET creatorId=:creatorId,
			 WHERE id=:id';

	 $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);
	 // Clean-up user content:
	 // Setup an array - 'title' and 'content' are the keys:
	 $data = array('title' => $title->getValue(), 'content' => $content->getValue());
	 // Create a new instance:
	 $dirtyWord = new DirtyWord($data);
	 // Check the content for bad language:
	 $result = $stmt->execute(array(':creatorId' => $user->getId(), ':title' => $title->getValue(), ':content' => $content->getValue(), ':id' => $page->getId()));
	 // Freeze the form upon success:
	 if ($result) {		 

I could had made it static, but I guess the preference is up to the coder and I chose to do it that way. 8)
I might in the future modify this class to do other things, but from what I'm learning is to write your classes as simply as possible. Since I now am using an auto-loader, I don't have to worry about having to include the files.

Here's the auto-loader script for classes:

// Autoload classes from "classes" directory:
function class_loader($class) {
	require('classes/' . $class . '.php');
Pretty simple right?

Take care,
The Pepster