Eclipse PHP problem to run



I have downloaded eclipse for PHP, for windows 32bit from
Also I use XAMPP local host.

I try to ( launch/run ) my php file from eclipse IDE, I receive:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 404
Apache/2.4.29 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.1.11

I installed nothing extra, everything default. Maybe I need extra configuration? These files works well, if I place them inside direcotry:

However I cant launch it from eclipse, and its is problem.
Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify XAMPP is running: Ensure that XAMPP is running properly and the Apache web server is up and running. You can check this by accessing http://localhost in your web browser and confirming that the XAMPP welcome page is displayed.
  2. Check Eclipse PHP settings: Open Eclipse and go to Window -> Preferences. In the Preferences dialog, navigate to PHP -> PHP Executables. Make sure that the PHP executable path is correctly set to the PHP installation directory within your XAMPP installation.
  3. Configure Eclipse project settings: Right-click on your PHP project in Eclipse and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, go to PHP -> Servers. Verify that the server configuration is correct, specifically the "Server base URL" field. It should be set to "http://localhost/".
  4. Check project deployment: Ensure that the PHP file you want to run is included in your Eclipse project. Right-click on the PHP file in the Project Explorer, select Build Path -> Configure Build Path and make sure the file is listed under the "Source" tab.
  5. Configure XAMPP htdocs directory: If you want to run your PHP files from a different directory, such as A:\xampp\htdocs, you need to configure XAMPP accordingly. Open the XAMPP control panel, click on the Apache Config button, and select Apache (httpd.conf). In the configuration file, search for the "DocumentRoot" directive and change its value to the directory where your PHP files are located (e.g., "A:\xampp\htdocs"). Save the changes and restart the Apache server.
  6. Restart Eclipse and try again: After making any configuration changes, restart Eclipse and try running your PHP file again. Make sure that you access the file using the correct URL,
By following these steps, you should be able to configure Eclipse and XAMPP to run your PHP files correctly.