Encrypt and Decrypt in PHP (cipher)


New member
I am creating a website that i want to connect with the existing database(it was a database of our system) it already has a data stored like user accounts,
now in my website there is a login form
what I want is I can i log in using the user accounts of my existing database
but that database stored data are encrypted like the password
I also have the decrypt/encrypt key

I just don’t know how to make a query or how to do it in php

please help me
Thank you so much

I am a beginner in php
To connect your website to an existing database and implement a login form using user accounts with encrypted passwords, you'll need to follow these general steps:

1. Establish a Database Connection: Use PHP's database extension (e.g., mysqli or PDO) to establish a connection with your existing database. This requires specifying the host, database name, username, and password. Once connected, you can execute queries against the database.

2. Retrieve User Input: Retrieve the username and password entered in the login form using PHP's `$_POST` or `$_GET` superglobal variables, depending on your form's method.

3. Validate User Input: Perform any necessary validation on the user input to ensure it meets your requirements (e.g., non-empty fields, correct format). This step helps prevent security vulnerabilities.

4. Encrypt User Input: Use the encryption key you have to encrypt the user's password entered in the login form. You should use a secure encryption algorithm like bcrypt or Argon2. Make sure to use a strong salt and properly store the encrypted password in your database.

5. Execute Database Query: Construct a SQL query to retrieve the user account details based on the provided username from your database. Use the encrypted password for comparison. For example, you can use a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause to fetch the matching user record.

6. Compare Passwords: Once you retrieve the user account details from the database, decrypt the stored password using the same encryption key you used for encryption. Then, compare the decrypted password with the one entered in the login form. If they match, the login credentials are valid.

7. Handle Login Success or Failure: Depending on the result of the password comparison, you can redirect the user to a secure area of your website if the login is successful. If the login fails, you can display an error message or redirect them back to the login page.

Note: It's essential to follow best practices for secure password storage, such as using salted and hashed passwords. Avoid storing passwords in plain text or using weak encryption algorithms.

Here's a simplified example to illustrate the steps mentioned above:

// Step 1: Establish Database Connection
$host = 'your_host';
$dbname = 'your_database_name';
$username = 'your_username';
$password = 'your_password';

$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);

// Step 2: Retrieve User Input
$usernameInput = $_POST['username'];
$passwordInput = $_POST['password'];

// Step 4: Encrypt User Input
$encryptedPassword = encryptFunction($passwordInput, $encryptionKey);

// Step 5: Execute Database Query
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username";
$statement = $connection->prepare($query);
$statement->bindParam(':username', $usernameInput);

// Step 6: Compare Passwords
$user = $statement->fetch();
$storedPassword = decryptFunction($user['password'], $encryptionKey);

if ($storedPassword === $encryptedPassword) {
// Login successful
// Perform necessary actions (e.g., session management, redirect)
} else {
// Login failed
// Display error message or redirect back to login page

Please note that this is a basic example, and you may need to adapt it to fit your specific database structure, encryption method, and overall application architecture. Additionally, it's essential to research and implement additional security measures to protect against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
To connect your website to an existing database and implement a login form using user accounts with encrypted passwords, you'll need to follow these general steps:

1. Establish a Database Connection: Use PHP's database extension (e.g., mysqli or PDO) to establish a connection with your existing database. This requires specifying the host, database name, username, and password. Once connected, you can execute queries against the database.

2. Retrieve User Input: Retrieve the username and password entered in the login form using PHP's `$_POST` or `$_GET` superglobal variables, depending on your form's method.

3. Validate User Input: Perform any necessary validation on the user input to ensure it meets your requirements (e.g., non-empty fields, correct format). This step helps prevent security vulnerabilities.

4. Encrypt User Input: Use the encryption key you have to encrypt the user's password entered in the login form. You should use a secure encryption algorithm like bcrypt or Argon2. Make sure to use a strong salt and properly store the encrypted password in your database.

5. Execute Database Query: Construct a SQL query to retrieve the user account details based on the provided username from your database. Use the encrypted password for comparison. For example, you can use a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause to fetch the matching user record.

6. Compare Passwords: Once you retrieve the user account details from the database, decrypt the stored password using the same encryption key you used for encryption. Then, compare the decrypted password with the one entered in the login form. If they match, the login credentials are valid.

7. Handle Login Success or Failure: Depending on the result of the password comparison, you can redirect the user to a secure area of your website if the login is successful. If the login fails, you can display an error message or redirect them back to the login page.

Note: It's essential to follow best practices for secure password storage, such as using salted and hashed passwords. Avoid storing passwords in plain text or using weak encryption algorithms.

Here's a simplified example to illustrate the steps mentioned above:

// Step 1: Establish Database Connection
$host = 'your_host';
$dbname = 'your_database_name';
$username = 'your_username';
$password = 'your_password';

$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);

// Step 2: Retrieve User Input
$usernameInput = $_POST['username'];
$passwordInput = $_POST['password'];

// Step 4: Encrypt User Input
$encryptedPassword = encryptFunction($passwordInput, $encryptionKey);

// Step 5: Execute Database Query
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username";
$statement = $connection->prepare($query);
$statement->bindParam(':username', $usernameInput);

// Step 6: Compare Passwords
$user = $statement->fetch();
$storedPassword = decryptFunction($user['password'], $encryptionKey);

if ($storedPassword === $encryptedPassword) {
// Login successful
// Perform necessary actions (e.g., session management, redirect)
} else {
// Login failed
// Display error message or redirect back to login page

Please note that this is a basic example, and you may need to adapt it to fit your specific database structure, encryption method, and overall application architecture. Additionally, it's essential to research and implement additional security measures to protect against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
Thank you so much for this
do I still need to include the cipher method?