exec() problem



DeathRipple said:
i have a problem: i need to execute in a php script some commands that require root access. of course this can't be done just by typing exec($cmd) since all the statements in a php file will be executed under user apache (of whatever user you have set in httpd.conf).
$cmd="useradd user";
$cmd="smbpasswd -a user pass";

can anyone please help me? (if possible please give me full detals about all steps that are to be taken)

At your place i'll be create new user under Unix/Linux with permissions to create/manage users (cuted admin). But not recomended using root account to do this.
DeathRipple said:
it's not the account that bothers me...iyou suggest to create such an user and to put the web server to run with it (to modify httpd.conf)? i don't want that....i just want a way to put me in the position of executing command as another user within the php, than to get back to the apache user.....got it?
Sorry if don't understand you firstly...
Yes you may do it, but you need create 2 scripts under C/Bash shell for login_for and logout_for for SU command and after that you may do all what you want.