Exit() command



Hey, I have some script running and if the error occurs, PHP prints out the error and then there is the exit(); command.
I just want the script to exit, not the whole html to quit loading. But with this exit(); command it looks like the script
exits "out of the form", not out of the php block that it's in because I got some simple html commands after the script,
and those are not loaded on the form.

Is exit() supposed to make the form quit loading? Is there any way to just exit out of the php block and continue loading
the rest of the form?

jonwondering said:
Hey, I have some script running and if the error occurs, PHP prints out the error and then there is the exit(); command.
I just want the script to exit, not the whole html to quit loading. But with this exit(); command it looks like the script
exits "out of the form", not out of the php block that it's in because I got some simple html commands after the script,
and those are not loaded on the form.

Is exit() supposed to make the form quit loading? Is there any way to just exit out of the php block and continue loading
the rest of the form?

what for?
Because after the PHP block I have a form that needs to load no matter what...

BTW I am from Crimea too - Feodosia...
jonwondering said:
Because after the PHP block I have a form that needs to load no matter what...

BTW I am from Crimea too - Feodosia...
Cuz you are from Feodosia.... Ghm....
mail me igor.makarov@mail.ru
Okay I will, but does anybody know the answer to my question?

P.S.: I am not actually right there now, but I visit every summer,
and I was born there.
Anybody know how I can exit just the PHP block and not out of the whole page?
one more spam message and i will get pissed... exit will allow you to exit a loop for instance and continue excecution, but its not suggested.. its better to use conditions... depending on those conditions the script will do something and after that the form will be shown.
no: asking a question is not a problem: posting 2 times the same question in the same thread after eachother without giving time for others to reply: thats spamming.. please differ those two :)
I guess I have to agree with ya on this one, I was just afraid I wasn't making myself clear (my question that is) :oops: