How can I display 10 recs per page



Guys, how can we limit the number of records to be displayed in a page.

For example I have 40 recs. I just want to display 10 records at a time, I can have a link below that says Previous and Next, to view the other records.

Some sort of navigation.

One way is to create a class to manage it for you. Have it where you pass in an array and the start index (not necessarily the array index) and number of records to display. Then have the next/previous be links that subtract/add from the current start number.

such as:

$output->loadTable($arraytoload, $start, $total);

if your array '$info' has 40 records, and you want to display the first ten, it would be:
empty($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['start'] = 1;
$output->loadTable($info, $_REQUEST['start'], 10);

you will need tests when making your previous / next links to make sure start never goes below 1 or above the count of $info. When you call your outputTable function, it will return back a table that displays 10 records of your array, and also creates/displays your next/previous links.

That is one way to do it. Without taking away the fun of actually writting it for you, the above should give you an idea of how to go about creating it.

Good luck
thanks man, it helped, i also found a link with this topic.

Thanks again
here there is a nice pageing..
also instead of the array use mysql results

function get_paginator_link($start_msg, $text, $link) {
   if($start_msg > 2)
      $page = ceil($start_msg/10);
      $page = 1;
   $count = $start_msg - 1;
   $result = "<A HREF=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?"
            . "start_msg=$start_msg&$link&count=$count&page=$page\" "
            . ">$text</A>";
    return $result;

 * This function computes the paginator string.
function get_paginator_str($start_msg, $num_msgs, $show_num, $link) {

      $start_msg = 1;
   /* Initialize paginator string chunks. */
   $prv_str = '';
    $nxt_str = '';
    $pg_str = '';

    /* Create simple strings that will be creating the paginator. */
    $spc = ' ';     /* This will be used as a space. */
    $sep = '|';          /* This will be used as a seperator. */

    /* Get some paginator preference values. */
    $pg_sel = 10;
    $pg_max = 13;

    /* Make sure that our start message number is not too big. */
    $start_msg = min($start_msg, $num_msgs);

    /* Compute the starting message of the previous and next page group. */
    $next_grp = $start_msg + $show_num;
    $prev_grp = $start_msg - $show_num;

    /*Compute the basic previous and next strings. */
    if (($next_grp <= $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) {
        $prv_str = get_paginator_link($prev_grp, "<<", $link);
        $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($next_grp, ">>", $link);
    } else if (($next_grp > $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) {
        $prv_str = get_paginator_link($prev_grp, "<<", $link);
        $nxt_str = ">>"."\n";
    } else if (($next_grp <= $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp < 0)) {
        $prv_str = "<<";
        $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($next_grp, ">>", $link);

    /* Page selector block. Following code computes page links. */
    if ($pg_sel && ($num_msgs > $show_num)) {
        /* Most importantly, what is the current page!!! */
        $cur_pg = intval($start_msg / $show_num) + 1;

        /* Compute total # of pages and # of paginator page links. */
        $tot_pgs = ceil($num_msgs / $show_num);  /* Total number of Pages */
        $vis_pgs = min($pg_max, $tot_pgs - 1);   /* Visible Pages    */

        /* Compute the size of the four quarters of the page links. */

        /* If we can, just show all the pages. */
        if (($tot_pgs - 1) <= $pg_max) {
            $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1;
            $q2_pgs = $q3_pgs = 0;
            $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg;

        /* Otherwise, compute some magic to choose the four quarters. */
        } else {
             * Compute the magic base values. Added together,
             * these values will always equal to the $pag_pgs.
             * NOTE: These are DEFAULT values and do not take
             * the current page into account. That is below.
         $q1_pgs = floor($vis_pgs/8);
            $q2_pgs = round($vis_pgs/6, 0);
            $q3_pgs = ceil($vis_pgs/2);
            $q4_pgs = round(($vis_pgs - $q2_pgs)/8, 0);

            /* Adjust if the first quarter contains the current page. */
            if (($cur_pg - $q1_pgs) < 1) {
                $extra_pgs = ($q1_pgs - ($cur_pg - 1)) + $q2_pgs;
                $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1;
                $q2_pgs = 0;
                $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2);
                $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);

            /* Adjust if the first and second quarters intersect. */
            } else if (($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - ceil($q2_pgs/3)) <= $q1_pgs) {
                $extra_pgs = $q2_pgs;
                $extra_pgs -= ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 0.75);
                $q2_pgs = ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 0.75);
                $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2);
                $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);

            /* Adjust if the fourth quarter contains the current page. */
            } else if (($cur_pg + $q4_pgs) >= $tot_pgs) {
                $extra_pgs = ($q4_pgs - ($tot_pgs - $cur_pg)) + $q3_pgs;
                $q3_pgs = 0;
                $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg;
                $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);
                $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2);

            /* Adjust if the third and fourth quarter intersect. */
            } else if (($cur_pg + $q3_pgs + 1) >= ($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs + 1)) {
                $extra_pgs = $q3_pgs;
                $extra_pgs -= ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 0.75);
                $q3_pgs = ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 0.75);
                $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);
                $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2);

         * I am leaving this debug code here, commented out, because
         * it is a really nice way to see what the above code is doing.
         * echo "qts =  $q1_pgs/$q2_pgs/$q3_pgs/$q4_pgs = "
         *    . ($q1_pgs + $q2_pgs + $q3_pgs + $q4_pgs) . '<br>';

        /* Print out the page links from the compute page quarters. */

        /* Start with the first quarter. */
        if (($q1_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg > 1)) {
            $pg_str .= "...$spc";
        } else {
            for ($pg = 1; $pg <= $q1_pgs; ++$pg) {
                $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1;
                $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($start, $pg, $link) . $spc . $spc;
            if ($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - $q1_pgs > 1) {
                $pg_str .= "...$spc";

        /* Continue with the second quarter. */
        for ($pg = $cur_pg - $q2_pgs; $pg < $cur_pg; ++$pg) {
            $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1;
            $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($start, $pg, $link) . $spc . $spc;

        /* Now print the current page. */
        $pg_str .= $cur_pg . $spc . $spc;

        /* Next comes the third quarter. */
        for ($pg = $cur_pg + 1; $pg <= $cur_pg + $q3_pgs; ++$pg) {
            $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1;
            $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($start, $pg, $link) . $spc . $spc;

        /* And last, print the fourth quarter page links. */
        if (($q4_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg < $tot_pgs)) {
            $pg_str .= "...$spc";
        } else {
            if (($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs) > ($cur_pg + $q3_pgs)) {
                $pg_str .= "...$spc";
            for ($pg = $tot_pgs - $q4_pgs + 1; $pg <= $tot_pgs; ++$pg) {
                $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1;
                $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($start, $pg, $link) . $spc . $spc;

    /* Put all the pieces of the paginator string together. */
     * Hairy code... But let's leave it like it is since I am not certain
     * a different approach would be any easier to read. ;)
    $result = '';
    $result .= ($prv_str != '' ? $prv_str . $spc . $spc : '');
    $result .= ($pg_str  != '' ? $pg_str : '');
   $result .= ($nxt_str != '' ? $nxt_str . $spc : '');

    /* If the resulting string is blank, return a non-breaking space. */
    if ($result == '') {
        $result = ' ';

    /* Return our final magical paginator string. */
   return $result;

if (!isset($_GET['start_msg'])) {
   //echo 'not set';
   echo (get_paginator_str(1, 2000, 10, 'pageing.php'));
} else {
   //echo 'set';
   echo (get_paginator_str($_GET['start_msg'], 2000, 10, 'pageing.php'));
