How to run website on local machine



hi all,

I've FTP server hosting the website .. in order to debug this website, I installed NETBEANS and copied all files into my local machine.

Now, I'm not sure where is the root file that should the SDK start from. How can make the website run using local host ? (on my machine)

I appreciate any idea..

Your host should have instructions on how to find your root directory.

You will also need to install equivalent software that your server uses on your local machine e.g. apache, php and MySql (check before installing.)

Check what advice your host offers.
I'm somone who used to be very afraid of the terminal and Linux up until around 1 year ago (after an embarassingly long time of building php websites without knowing that stuff).

I say jump in at the deep end. Install Virtual Box and Vagrant. Follow the installation and setup guides provided by places like Digital Ocean. If you have good luck it won't even take very long. If you have bad luck you will learn some things that you will better off knowing sooner rather than later.

Or at the very least try Laravel Homestead VM (which uses Virtual Box and Vagrant). It works with any php project, not just Laravel.
Install a local web server like Apache or XAMPP.
Configure the web server, specifying the document root directory.
Import the project into NetBeans.
Set up project properties in NetBeans, select the local web server, and configure the project URL and path.
Run the project in NetBeans to start the local server and launch the website in your browser.
Following these steps will allow you to debug and test your website locally using NetBeans.