IIs on Vista



I am using a VISTA machine. I am restarting my ASP.NET experience in a new environment. So far I have managed to set up the IIS. That was a lot easier than I had thought it would be. The next step is, I found out where the computer pointed the localhost to (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\). And so the next thing I thought I would try is to write htm files out to this location. Bad idea. It says I do not have permissions to do this. This is odd because I was sure I had admin privs. Any suggestions?

I am brand new to Vista. How do I check my privs on my own machine? I have clicked on the area in the Control Panel and it shows two users.
Both of these users have Admin Priv's, including me.

But when I try to save a file, to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ area I get this error:


I am wondering if there is some sort of special procedure that needs to be done in order to put a file in the location on the hard drive where the IIS will recognize it as an internet file. Maybe you cannot just simply cut and paste an HTML file. Is that true? Is there some sort of specail "publish" or "submit" that you have to do on an operating system level or through hsome sort of speical IIS software procedure?