
Hi all,

I kind of fell away from coding/internet technology for a while to pursue a different career path, that didn't work out so well so now I'm back doing what I love.

I used to frequent a few IRC channels but I've no idea where is good these days. I like forums but sometimes some instant chat is better.

Does anyone still use IRC? Where do you hang out?

Looking, generally, for PHP/web development related channels but all pointers towards anything cool and friendly would be appreciated.

(... I'm so tired right now and my tenses are all over the place... too tired to go back and correct them! Just overlook that and give me credit for knowing my grammar is a mess! :oops: )
I used to hang out on the Undernet quite a bit, as well as EFNet, but that's all gone downhill, and fast.
Now, it's a bunch of dweebs that hang out there, and more or less talk about things other than PHP.. which is kind of a drag.

Anyway.. I don't 'hang out' on the net any longer.. I basically pick up a phone and call someone or shot emails.
Ah I'm sad to hear that, I used to be on efnet too!

I liked being able to keep my social lives seperate, so don't really have anyone I can pick up the phone to for discussion of internet/technology related things.

Guess I'll just have to become more active on the few boards that I use and be satisfied with that for now.