JWT, composer internal error on Firebase\JWT\JWT


New member
According to I would like to try to use JWT for my PHP and these are my step

on domain/app/
composer require firebase/php-jwt

so I have

and on the login.php
		echo "1";
			use firebase\JWT\JWT;
			echo "2";
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

It's not show any thing and error "HTTP ERROR 500"
I think the code is really find the autoload.php but I don't know why it's internet error on line
use firebase\JWT\JWT;
If I add this command, the PHP will be error 500
In php the "use" keyword have two purpouses and php don't know which is in that code. Move require_once and use outside the try catch block on the beginning of the file, just after <?php
Use keyword can not be in a try catch or any other block if you want to load some class.
The use keyword can be inside class definition, but then it will be placed for trait inheritance.