Active member
I really don't know any working script like that!
Well, first you need to create the proper MySQL tables, so you can store and work around the FAQS data.
What you'll need ? Well... i think a table with 3 fields whould be enough.
An Id, to easily work with your data. A question and an answer fields... yeh... that's it!
So you can make:
For the glossary:
In this case, formatch will be a field to determine whether that Term will appear in some content with a link to the glossary page (complete term). letter, the letter group.
Now you have to make the proper REGEX, so you can match a term inside a content.
50% job done!
Now you just need to make all the forms/code to handle this!
Well, first you need to create the proper MySQL tables, so you can store and work around the FAQS data.
What you'll need ? Well... i think a table with 3 fields whould be enough.
An Id, to easily work with your data. A question and an answer fields... yeh... that's it!
So you can make:
id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
question varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
answer text,
For the glossary:
CREATE TABLE glossary (
id mediumint(8 ) NOT NULL auto_increment,
letter char(1) NOT NULL default '',
title varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
description tinytext NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL,
formatch enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL default 'No',
UNIQUE KEY id (id)
In this case, formatch will be a field to determine whether that Term will appear in some content with a link to the glossary page (complete term). letter, the letter group.
Now you have to make the proper REGEX, so you can match a term inside a content.
50% job done!
Now you just need to make all the forms/code to handle this!