Modernization of the purchase process with Call For Price



Mentality of people want to have themselves a perfect product, but affordable, free is the best. Magento Call For Price is exactly what you need. With just $29, you will have this software for your own. Call For Price Extension is an effective extension which offers numerous advantages for customers. It allows you to hide the product and replaced with button Add to cart button in the Call for price lists, wishlist, compare pages and email notifications for the site owner.
Additionally, Magento Call For Price also has other benefits such as:
- Remove and replace the node price "Call For Price" instead of "Add to cart": Replace price and Add to Cart buttons on the list, search, easy listening, compare and pages with text custom flexible that you can set it to be displayed in configurable product Magento administrator.
- "Call For Price" Button opens to form AJAX: An AJAX quite sensitive customers turned on their request and contact details of the customer
- Email notification for admin, will be saved and displayed in the Magento admin: Email notification for admin on the details along with contact by customer and product details. And administrators can monitor and respond to the request of the guests in the Magento admin
- Call For Price Magento extensions can be applied to a specific product, category and specific customer groups: This feature can be enabled in the management of product details (in the tab Price) and the details category management (the General tab) by administrators Magento.
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