MySQL Constraints

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I need help. I want to know that which version is higher between 4.0.22 and 4.0.4

I want to drop constraints like foreign key but i cant. The query runs successfully but constraint cant be removed. command(show create table tablename) doesnt display internal generated id of foreign key.
I am using phpmyadmin 2.6.1 is there any way in that we can remove it with user interface except SQL statement.
Please help me out.
I am using MySQL version 4.0.4
Please give me information about diff. versions.

Thank you.
22 is heigher then 4 :) simple math... its not 2.2 as it has no dot..
However 4.1.9 (i think its still the latest one) is recommended for everyone..

I dont completely understand the problem.. looks like to me that its more a PHPMyAdmin question and not mysql installation...

If you agree with me on that matter : i will move the topic..
Topic closed due to double posting.. please refer to this topic instead:

All replies will have to be done there.
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