Need help with some php code


New member
What is in error with the following snippet of code?

$y = 0; //counter
$s_first_name = '';
$s_last_name = '';
$s_email = '';

$sql = "select * from members ";

$result = conn($sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result)){
echo "<table align='left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td style='font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;'>Name.........................</td>";
echo "<td style='font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;'>Email............................................</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//get the values from the db resultset

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
if ($row["email"] > '') {
// colors white and gray
(($y % 2) == 0) ? $bgcolor = "#ffffff" : $bgcolor = "#c0c0c0";
// colors silver and gray
// (($y % 2) == 0) ? $bgcolor = "#f5f5f5" : $bgcolor = "#c0c0c0";
$s_first_name = $row['fname'];
$s_last_name = $row['lname'];
$s_email = $row['email'];

echo "<tr style='background-color:$bgcolor;'>";
echo "<td>$s_first_name $s_last_name</td>";
echo "<td>$s_email</td>";

$text = "$s_first_name $s_last_name $s_email\n";
fwrite ($enames, $text);
$text = "$s_email\n";
fwrite ($eaddrs, $text);

}//end if

}//end while

I get the enames and the eaddrs files written with all the members but get only the heading and the first row displayed on the screen.
I know something is wrong but I can't find it.
Writing to file in a loop is not a good idea, refactor the code to prepare the content for both files and after the loop save each file once
Thanks for the advice.
I commented out the write statements and get a good listing.
I'll build a table for each and populate them as I loop through the fetch array, and then write the tables to the files after the loop os completed.
Couldn't see how to build tables for each file, so I'm at a loss as how to prepare the content for each file.
All the documentation I can find suggests to use fwrite() to write records to a file and then fclose().
1. Create an empty array for each file
2. Iterate by the row and add the line to the each array
3. Merge the array to string variable
4. Save the variable to the file