New Functions available

Alexej Kubarev

New member
As you may have noticed: we have made some improvements on how our forum handles code tags.

We have added:
Syntax highlighting for PHP in code tags
Line numbering for code tags
Download option (Now you dont need to copy-paste from the forum and save to some file -- simply download the code)

Here is some demonstration as well:
function my_func($var){
    //Commenting is always good
   echo("Value is: ".$var);
<div>This is just a demonstration</div>

In some cases people post several code listings in one post.. no problem: you can download the one you like!
Here is one more code listing, try downloading it and see what you will get!
Some more testing! 

I hope you will enjoy these new functions!
If you have any problems with them: please contact me and i will try to help you :D