NS7 vs IE6

Netscape 7 Rocks louder than IE

  • I do say i have to agree

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • I'm sorry, thats not what i hear

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hmmm, Netscape 7? Didn't know that one was available allready.

I'll try it at home and see what I find. Sure hope it is faster and smaller than version 6.

Greetz Daan
DutchBen said:
!!!! NetScape 7 Rocks !!!
It's how to see at this proplem. Under UNIX(LINUX) best to use Netscape but under Win (any) Best use IE, - Explorer is integrated in Win...

But if need my opinion: UNIX(LINUX) - RULEZ!
I find there are no advantages over using netscape or internet Explorer in windows because Internet Explorer is integrated in windows.
I think Netscape has made a giant step forward with version 7. And I find the program itself better then Internet Explorer.

There is one BIG but in here though. TONS of web programmes out there only make there sites for Internet Explorer, so A LOT of site's don't work at all or not good under other browsers.
Most of this is caused by Javascript wich works different under both programs.
even phpBB doesn't work as it should in netscape, wich is caused by using javascript.
I personnaly haven't used any javascript on my site yet and it works great under all browsers!

I'm planning on using Netscape a lot more than before, but am also sorry to say that I still must use Internet Explorer because a lot of webmasters are just to lazy to make their site compatible with other browsers.

Does it Rock or not? It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetz Daan
And for someone who can't be arsed downloading it, what's the difference??

The reason most webmasters don't make their sites viewable to anyone using Netscape is because in recent years (and I'm talking from experience from my own sites), Netscape visiters account for only about 5%. Whilst it's a big chunk, it's not big enough to change hundreds of lines of code just because Netscape wants to do things differently.
Jay said:
And for someone who can't be arsed downloading it, what's the difference??

The reason most webmasters don't make their sites viewable to anyone using Netscape is because in recent years (and I'm talking from experience from my own sites), Netscape visiters account for only about 5%. Whilst it's a big chunk, it's not big enough to change hundreds of lines of code just because Netscape wants to do things differently.
As you see how many peaple surf inet under NS and how many peaple most smart.... :)
I think that Microsoft wants to be a standard.
It's not that NS wants to do things differently.

It's just a question of strenght (and philosophy.....).
Today is Microsoft, tomorrow... we'll see.
We'll have to make different codes for different browsers by now.
But there's no problem.
Have you heard about the DynAPI???
Is a cross-browser javascript library.
You can do lots of nice effects and things using half of the code, and it's open source, so you'll always be up to date with sources :D
Have a look -->
I dont like any. Make me a browser that is 100% W3C compliant and does EVERYTHING by the standards and there wont be need for NN vs. IE vs. Opera discussions

btw.. currently I develop all my pages to work with IE, NN, Opera (7 and up only)
I'm using Mozilla Firebird these days. When I run across a site that won't behave, then I may have to fire up IE.
elToro said:
I'm using Mozilla Firebird these days. When I run across a site that won't behave, then I may have to fire up IE.

I am loving it too :wink:

When all is going around Netscape and IE, We are not understanding the fundamental truth of Nature!!

The Mozilla should be the one who should be getting the views, reviews and all.
hmmpph!! :x Netscape, show they are the so called leaders!

But I have to admit that Mozilla, Netscape are all the browsers that you have to WAIT!!! I'M COMMINNGGGGG.......

But not with IE
ruturajv said:
But I have to admit that Mozilla, Netscape are all the browsers that you have to WAIT!!!

Do you mean that you have to wait for stable releases, or that you have to wait for the browser to load or load pages? Regarding the former, I've been using Firebird for about 3 weeks and it's only crashed on me once. There are a few niggling bugs, but no show-stoppers. The same cannot be said for IE. As for the latter, Firebird starts as fast or faster than IE on my machine (Athlon XP 1.87Ghz, 256MB), and pages load noticeably faster in it.

In other words, why isn't everybody using Firebird?
Thanks for the review on fire bird But
I'm using a stone age PC
166Mhz with 64MB ram

does fire bird load just as well as IE does for me? 8O
ruturajv said:
Thanks for the review on fire bird But
I'm using a stone age PC
166Mhz with 64MB ram

does fire bird load just as well as IE does for me? 8O

Yow. Y'know, reasonably fast PCs are pretty damn cheap these days. A month or two of saving your money could bring you into this decade..

Anyway, with those specs, I'd be seriously surprised if even a recent version of IE ran at a decent speed.
Use mozilla firebird...;)
netscape's bankruptcy, it is the last version of netscape navigator...
About the only reason that I like IE over other browsers is the fact that when I install a plugin I usually don't have to restart the browser and plugin's are usually installed easier.
surely if you were going to use IE (which might get a forced ie6.5 soon due to the patent issues with eolas) you'd opt to use either myIE2 ( http://www.myie2.com - free ) or iRider ( http://irider.com - paid [arguably the best browser developed from the IE engine]) and take advantage of tabbed browsing and other extra features rather than multiple windows.

personally I use moz1.3 as default.