PEARL tutorial ?



Hi guys,

I wish to know more about the ways of using PEARL. But as what i can find from the website, everything explained seem to be a little advance.

Is there any website you guys can recommend for beginners of PEARL ?

p.s: i can't even find a reference book that talk about PEARL :(

Please give me an idea where can i find the PEARL tutorial for beginners.. by the way, is it PEARL for advance PHP programmers who know about OOP ?

I can only assume you're talking about Perl, the scripting language. a) There's no A in it. b) It's not written in ALL CAPS. Perl people are picky about the latter. If you're looking for books about it, go to Amazon and type "Perl" (remember: no A!). The best resource on the web, unsurprisingly, is

Beyond that, you won't find much Perl help here at PHP-Forum.
i am sorry, actually i wanna say PEAR class not pearl,..

i have visited their some of PEAR classes related website but they dun really tell much how to use them..

is there any good PEAR class tutorial for beginners available on the net ?

please advise
I have also found it difficult to navigate from the packages section of the pear.php page to the section containing exapmples of the package I am looking at, but I believe you may find some help here. This is the manual for the pear project, and it contains a section labeled "Packages." I believe it is roman numeral 4 or IV. In that section there are folders of different types of packages. Find the folder that contains the package you are looking for and hopefully you will find a few examples of how to use it.

If this does not help, try posting here again with the name of the package and the problem you are having.[/url]
i am trying to use the WHOIS PEAR class... do you guys have any idea how to use it ?

by the way, how can i check whether PEAR is installed and how can i install the required files like PEAR.php and etc..

is it just extract the package then upload to the public_html folder ?

please advise.
Please read the docs and manualss

with pear files typically you recieve "install" and other such files to help you use it...
I have found the easiest way to make sure Pear and a certain pear function or package is installed is to simply use call to the package using include and see if the script runs. The rule is if the package is there, it will run, otherwise you will recieve an error that the package is not there. Simple enough.

This is of course only practical if you have no way of viewing the contents of the directories containing the php and pear (if applicable) files. If you do have access to some of the upper levels of your web server, then take a look into the php directories and look for something called pear.