PHP coding working in local system. But not in cpanel server


New member
Hi All,

I developed PHP project status report in PHP 5.0 version now the version changed in PHP 8.0 its not working properly. Now i am changed in PHP8.0 for coding its working perfectly in local xampp. But not in Cpanel. I change the PHP version in cpanel 8.0 its not showing any errors. Kindly advise to me.

PHP 8.0 might require certain extensions that are not enabled by default on your cPanel server. Compare the enabled extensions in your local XAMPP environment with those on cPanel using the phpinfo() output.
If you find any missing extensions (like mysqli, pdo_mysql, json, etc.), you may need to enable them via cPanel’s PHP extension management interface.
Also some cPanel environments may have specific configurations like open_basedir, disable_functions, or security modules (like ModSecurity) that could block certain functions or scripts from running. In this case you should ask to cPanel support or to your hosting provider.
Check for the necessary extensions in your cPanel. Compare your php.ini settings between cPanel and XAMPP. You can also look at the migration guide on PHP's site.