PHP interfacing with Google Search problem



Hi im trying to interact with Google's search API through PHP, however this problem keeps cropping up:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: soapclient in /home/kdz/public_html/backup/search.php on line 41



// create an instance of the SOAP client object

line 41 $soapclient = new soapclient("");


Any ideas? Can I do anything about it?

Thanks :)
I already included the soap file. Do I have include any others?

// include the class from NuSoap


// create an instance of the SOAP client object

$soapclient = new soapclient("");

will not help as it has to be on your server and be a relative address
*sorry for my typo
well that is the address of my server and so it is an absolute address if i am correct :S
I think it would have to be a relative address rather than an absolute one. How would the address of the include command be?

This is my structure

public_html > soap > lib nusoap.php

public_html > backup > search.php (from where i call nusoap.php)

hey you need to

// search.php
include_once '../soap/lib nusoap.php';
Yes thanks that resolved that problem, however I got another one now:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/kdz/public_html/backup/search.php on line 80

/* invoke the method on the Google server. The call() method accepts four arguments - name of the remote procedure
to be invoked, an array of arguments for the remote procedure, namespace and SOAP action */

line 80 $MyResult = $soapclient -> call("doGoogleSearch", $params, "urn:GoogleSearch", "urn:GoogleSearch");

that's what i thought too, but still doesnt work :(

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/kdz/public_html/backup/search.php on line 80