PHP/MYSQL scripters needed for Roleplaying Game. (Will Pay)



Hi, i'm Phealoon, but everyone just calls me Phea.

Let me get right to the point so I won't keep you from somthing. We are currently working on a Play-By-Post game called The Common Wars. We have a php scripter already who has done some amazing work for us, however the work load is getting a little high and we are in need of more scripters. I am willing to purchase your scripts. They are somewhat simple scripts to code, just a lot of them. We will later transfer the completed scripts to the server.

Again, I am willing to purchase your scripts, but we truly need your help on this project. You may contact me via this message board, by emailing me atr, or through my MSN messenger service at Thank you.

I sincerely apologize for the double post but I think I might also add that if you will need some kind of contract or binding agreement, I am also willing to do this as well. Let me inforce the issue of how very serious I am about this project. As I already mentioned before, I am NOT asking any scripters to freelance until I obtain priofit, I am purchasing the script out right. Please get in contact with me if you want to make money.
