PHP Post problem


New member
I have been updating a website that I run using a program called Site Designer by Coffeecup Software.
When using php on this software you have to paste in the php code into a special area and set up the page in a special way.
My problem is not specifically regarding that, but the fact that although no errors are created the final outcome gives an incorrect result.
My website has a bunch of code pages in this order:
  • verses.php - this is a simple form with a text link to the chosen version
    vinput.php - this presents a form which allows the user to choose 2 variables (event & mood)
    vquery.php - based on the previous choices the database is queried to list all verses that match the criteria.
    vinput1.php - this page allows more options to be input (Card size, font, font size etc)
    prnpdf.php - this page marshals the variables collected and prepares it for the final php file: fpdf.php. This is a piece of code that allows you to position text and graphics on a page in PDF format
    fpdf.php - this is the code for creating the page.
All of the code that I have used is working OK on the old site (, but when I use the code on the new site written with Site Designer I get the output:
'You have selected an invalid Event. Please try again'
I will attach all of the files mentioned above so you can follow through the sequence( The file that produces that error is vinput.php.
Can anyone figure out why it does not work on this new site. (This is the link to the code that does not work correctly: . To run the code click on Verses, the top button submit the selected options on the next page, choose a verse from the table shown and submit. Choose the options on this page, then submit. The code PRNPDF.PHP will then post the variables to the final program fpdf.php and a pdf file is generarted in the downloads folder.


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I have set the code up on github, I uploaded to a repository I called 'My-PHP-Verse-program' but I can't see the files I am not sure how to share it or give you access?
Now got the files into the repository, but still can't see how to share. If so with who?
Please show me how to share?
the files work in this order:

These programs work in my original website, but on the new website I am building they print 'You have selected an invalid Event. Please try again'.

I am building the site using Coffeecup Software Site Designer, but the code I have on the github are the code without the html stuff and CSS links.
The original site URL:
The test site:
did you move the database and set up the credentials to it?
that error is displaying when the database have no sufficient entry