PHP script which selects and divides document into 4 parts

I can help you with that. Could you please provide more details about the document you want to divide? Are you referring to a text document or a file? Additionally, could you clarify how you would like to divide the document into four parts?
Hi Rimsha, this is the algorithm:

1. Connect to the MySQL database, select table
2. Select and export articles ("article" is the content of a field in MySQL table ) according to criteria (constraint), for example by the author of the article
3. Count the articles and put the number in the variable N
4. Read the article's text, id number, URL, date and other attributes including the UTF CHARSET for respective language
5. Remove HTML markup
6. Open a new file and copy the content of the MYSQL field into that file and name the file "ORIGINALN.TXT" N - is the number variable assigned to each article which is the same as ID.
7. Divide the text of the article into rows. Divide those rows into groups of 20% of the length of the text.
8. Select one sentence from each of the 5 groups of 20% of the text. Include full stops, exclamation marks and questions (make the excerpt)
9.Paste the excerpt with ID number, date, article URL and other attributes into EXCERPTN.TXT
10 Repeat 1-9 for each article
11. Open all EXCERPTN files, copy the text and paste into an integral document BIBLIOGRAPHY.TXT and make file available for download
12. Provide admin dashboard for quick execution of this task

Can you please email me your contact details to ?

Thank you