Printing HTML



Hi all.
I have a fair problem on my hands.
I have been writing a php based application to create invoices, credit notes, and statments automatically. All has gone very smoothly. Sadly, for all the design work and planning that went into the application, I have overlooked one pretty key issue - how the browser prints the html.
The problem is that most major browsers seem to print the site name/page name date etc. on the header and footer of the printed page. This obvioulsy isn't acceptable on a professional looking invoice and has brought the whole project to a screeching halt, considering that the site revolves around printing the finished article from online.
I just wondered if anybody out there had ever had this problem themselves, or may know of a workaround for it. Any thoughts at all would greatly appreciated.
I realise my chances of solving this are fairly slim becuase whatever happens, it is always going to be the browser providing the print facility, but I thought it was worth an ask.
The headers and page numbers, etc. are all options on the browser. This can be turned off manually, but I'm not sure if you can do it with Javascript.
Ok, Thanks for your answer
Would just be quite annoying if everytime you had to print you have to go into the settings etc. I will continue my search regarding the JavaScript option.
Cheers for the advice.