problem of terminal



I have just installed the mysql on Mac OS X, opened the terminal trying to type this command:
shell%sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_safe

but I got Command not found.

Last login: Thu Mar 31 14:19:03 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[SunKim:~] Charlton% shell%sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_safe
tcsh: shell%sudo: Command not found.
[SunKim:~] Charlton%

Can you help me for this? Thanks.
I've never seen MacOs..
but ... from the command u've shown us is that of *nix
Mac OS X is bassed on nix (BSD is think actually).
So the commands are really simular to nix.

But from the error message it is saying that the sudo command doesn't exist because it's not the same as nix.
Try it again without the sudo bit.