Problem with session!


New member
I have some code that passes some variables using sessions.
The program I have written allows the user to choose 2 parameters which I have called event & mood and these are posted ($_POST) and used in the next file to create a query based on these parameters. Everything works OK here, then the user chooses a verse and submits the choice. the next file is a form that allows the user to choose several parameters, size font etc and when this has been done the user submits the form and a file that prepares the output for a file fpdf which is a php programable PDF writer.
Everything seems OK and a PDF is produced, but it obviously failed at some stage because it writes 'You have selected an invalid Event', which is a statement posted if an invalid evet is chosen. The site has been developed using Site Designer by Coffeecup software.
There are 3 files- vinput.php, vquery.php and varInput.
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        <?php   include("inc/aside-verse.php");   ?>
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include ("cons/connect_Verses4Cards.php");
$conn = get_db_conn_verse();
//Function to build select options based on passed array
function buildSelectOptions($name, array $options, $current=null){
	$htmlString  = "<select name='{$name}' id='{$name}'>\n";
	foreach($options as $value=>$option){
		$htmlString .= "\t<option value='{$value}'";
		if($value == $current){
		$htmlString .= " selected";
		$htmlString .= ">{$option}</option>\n";
		$htmlString .= "</select>\n";
		return $htmlString;
function getEvents($conn){
		$qry = "SELECT id ,Event_Type FROM Events ORDER BY id";
		$sql = mysqli_query($conn, $qry)or die(mysqli_error($conn));
		if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) < 1){
		return array();
		while($res1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
		$ret1[$res1['id']] = $res1['Event_Type'];
		return $ret1;
function getMoods($conn){
		$qry = "SELECT id ,Event_Sub_Type FROM Event_Sub ORDER BY id";
		$sql = mysqli_query($conn, $qry)or die(mysqli_error($conn));
		if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) < 1){
		return array();
		while($res2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
		$ret2[$res2['id']] = $res2['Event_Sub_Type'];
		return $ret2;
<h3>Choose Your Verse Options</h3>

        <form action="vquery.php" method="post">

          <?php echo buildSelectOptions('event', getEvents($conn), 1);?>

          <?php echo buildSelectOptions('mood', getMoods($conn), 1);?>

          <input type="submit" value="submit" />
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$display_block ="";
//check for required info from the query string

//verify the Event exists
$verify_Event_sql = "SELECT ID, Event_Type FROM Events WHERE ID = '".$_POST["event"]."'";
$verify_Event_res =  mysqli_query($conn, $verify_Event_sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));

if (mysqli_num_rows($verify_Event_res) < 1) {
	//this Event does not exist
	$display_block = "<p><em>You have selected an invalid Event.<br/>
	Please try again.</em></p>";

} else {
//get the Event ID
	while ($Event_info = mysqli_fetch_array($verify_Event_res)) {
		$Event_ID = stripslashes($Event_info['ID']);
		$Event_Name = ($Event_info['Event_Type']);

$verify_Mood_sql = "SELECT ID, Event_Sub_Type FROM Event_Sub WHERE ID = '".$_POST["mood"]."'";
$verify_Mood_res =  mysqli_query($conn, $verify_Mood_sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));

if (mysqli_num_rows($verify_Mood_res) < 1) {
	//this Event does not exist
	$display_block = "<p><em>You have selected an invalid Mood.<br/>
	Please try again.</em></p>";

	while($Mood_info = mysqli_fetch_array($verify_Mood_res)) {
		$Mood_ID = ($Mood_info['ID']);
		$Mood_Name = ($Mood_info['Event_Sub_Type']);
	//gather the Events
	$get_Event_sql  = "SELECT verses.ID AS versesID, verses.Verse, verses.Sub_Type, verses.Event, Events.ID AS eventsID, Events.Event_Type, Event_Sub.ID AS event_SubID, Event_Sub.Event_Sub_Type
	FROM verses
	ON verses.Event = Events.ID
	LEFT JOIN Event_Sub
	ON verses.Sub_Type = Event_Sub.ID
	WHERE verses.Event = '".$_POST["event"]."' And verses.Sub_Type = '".$_POST["mood"]."'
	ORDER BY verses.ID ASC";

	$get_Event_res = mysqli_query($conn, $get_Event_sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));

	//create the display string
	$display_block .= "

<table width=\"90%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"1\" BGCOLOR=\"white\" >
	<th>MOOD/SUB TYPE</th>

	while ($Verse_info = mysqli_fetch_array($get_Event_res)) {
		$Verse_id = $Verse_info['versesID'];
		$Verse_text = nl2br(stripslashes($Verse_info['Verse']));
		$Mood_info = $Verse_info['Event_Sub_Type'];
		$VID = $Verse_id;
		//add to display
$display_block .= "
<td width=\"1%\" valign=\"top\">".$Verse_id."<br/></td>
<td width=\"55%\" valign=\"top\">".$Verse_text."<br/></td>
<td width=\"35%\" valign=\"top\">" .$Mood_info."<br/></td>
<td width=\"35%\" valign=\"middle\">
<form METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"varInput.php\">
<input type=\"Radio\" name=\"VID\" value=$VID ></td>

$display_block.="<input type=submit value=Submit>

//free results
//close up the table
$display_block .="</table>";	
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        <?php   include("inc/aside-verse.php");   ?>
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        <h2 class="heading-2">Your Verse Query</h2>
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$display_block ="";
$CardSz ="";

//Function to build select options based on passed array
$CardSz = array($Card_info['Size'], $Card_info['Narative']); 
function buildSelectOptions($options)
$optionsHTML = "<select name=\"CSize\">\r\n";

foreach($options as $id => $label)
$optionsHTML .= "<option value='{$id}'>{$label}</option>\n";

return $optionsHTML;
//Run query to get the ID and Name from the table
//Then populate into an array
$clist_sql = "SELECT * FROM CSize ORDER BY GP";
$clist_res= mysqli_query($conn, $clist_sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
if (mysqli_num_rows($clist_res) < 1) {
	//this Card does not exist
	$display_block = "<p><em>You have selected an invalid Country.<br/>
	Please try again.</em></p>";
$CardSz = array();
while($Card_info = mysqli_fetch_array($clist_res)) {
        $CardSz[$Card_info['Size']] = $Card_info['Narative'];
$CardOptions = buildSelectOptions($CardSz);


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<meta name="description" content="On this page the user choose the variables to align the verse on the paper" />
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<div id="content">
<h1>Card Variable Input Form</h1>

<form name="Lists" action="Prnpdf.php" method="post">
        <p><strong>Card Size</strong></p>
		<select name="CSize">
    <option value= "<?php echo $CardOptions;?>"  </option>
		<p><strong>Input Distance from top in mm:</strong> <input type="number" name="Top" value="50" min="20" max="200"/></p><br/>
		<p><strong>Input Font size in points:</strong> <select name="font">
		<option value="18" > 18 point</option>
		<option value="20" > 20 point</option>
		<option value="22" > 22 point</option>
		<option value="24" selected="selected" > 24 point</option>
		<option value="26" > 26 point</option>
		<option value="28" > 28 point</option>
		<option value="30"  > 30 point</option>
		<option value="32" > 32 point</option>
		<p><strong>Text Colour</strong></p>
		<select name="color">
		<option value="000000000" > Black</option>
		<option value="255215000" > Gold</option>
		<option value="192192192" > Silver</option>
		<option value="255000000" > Red</option>
		<option value="000255000" > Green</option>
		<option value="000000255" > Blue</option>
		<option value="255195203" > Pink</option>
		<option value="132112255" > Slate Blue</option>
		<option value="128000128" > Purple</option>
		<option value="168099030" > Brown</option>
		<p><strong>Text Font</strong></p>
		<select name="fontface">
		<option value="French Script MT" > French Script MT</option>
		<option value="Batavia" > Batavia </option>
		<option value="Algerian" > Algerian </option>
		<option value="Bladerunner" > Bladerunner </option>
		<option value="Brush Script" > Brush Script</option>
		<option value="Helterskelter" > Helterskelter</option>	
		<option value="Justice" > Justice</option>
		<option value="Magneto" > Magneto</option>
		<option value="Old English" > Old English</option>
		<option value="Sneakerhead Outline" > Sneakerhead Outline</option>
		<option value="Trendy" > Trendy</option>
		<option value="Vladimir Script" > Vladimir Script</option>
		<p><strong>Border Images </strong></p>
		<select name="image">
		<option value="images/empty.jpg" selected="selected"> No Border</option>
		<option value="images/Border10p.jpg" > Rose Border - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Border2p.jpg" > Chequered Border - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Border11p.jpg" > Ribbon Border - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Border5p.jpg" > Yellow Border - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Corner2p.jpg" > Leaf Corners - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/corner1p.jpg" > Laurel Corners - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Border12P.jpg" > Holly Corner - Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/116070.jpg" > Ornate -Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/116122.jpg" > Ornate2 -Portrait</option>
		<option value="images/Border10l.jpg" > Rose Border -Landscape </option>
		<option value="images/Border2l.jpg" > Chequered Border -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Border11l.jpg" > Ribbon Border -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Border5l.jpg" > Yellow Border -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Corner2l.jpg" > Leaf Corners -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/corner1l.jpg" > Holly Corner -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Border12L.jpg" > Yellow Border -Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Holly1.jpg" > Holly-Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Xmastree2.jpg" > Xmas Tree - Landscape</option>
		<option value="images/Decoborder1.png" > Art Deco Border - Portrait</option>
		</select><br /><br />

		<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>



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I hope someone can shine a light on why this code does not work correctly?
that is the reason:
  <div class="container-grid main">

When you start the content (printing HTML) then the header is closed and the session_start() needs to have access to change the header. You need to start the session first, then you can print HTML or anything else