Running PHP from HTML form

Oleg Butuzov

New member
i did not understud what you gona do=)

if you want to run php files like html pages (C:\phpinfo.php for exemple) - it imposible apache run PHP for your script

if you want to include php scripts in the htmml pages you must use SSI.
Do you want to include php code in .html files?

Depending on the course you are reading make sure you are coding with the aspect that register_globals is off. This is default for PHP 4.2+

Basically this means the information that you post will look like $_POST['variable'] or $_GET['variable']

If you are just wanting to include PHP code in a file with .html extension all you have to do is edit your httpd.conf for apache
and add
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

then restart apache and it will process all .html files as .php scripts.