Table formatting..!



rite i got a prob with PHP and HTML, i am creating a News page, the news is to be aligned centrally on the pages within table, i would like all the table the same with (so its nice and neat :p)

but, im using:

<td width="400">
but the table always manages to be twice the width of the page rather than a nicely formatted paragraph
php-punk said:
<td width="400">
but the table always manages to be twice the width of the page rather than a nicely formatted paragraph

This really depends what's inside the table. HTML tables have always been a pain in the arse and I don't miss them one nit. Anyway, can you give us a link to the page in question?
right i would like the table layout in:

to look like:

if you get the idea..
Unsurprisingly, your problem is that you have 211 characters of "fgdffgggfdfgdffg..." at the bottom of your page. Delete it. Or put some spaces in it. HTML tables will shape themselves to fit the content, even if it's bigger than their set width.
Or try putting a <br> tag to put the letters on seperate lines if you need them (can't see why) but just in case.