Table size



Is there any way of making a table fill to the bottom of a page?

What I mean is, if a table doesn't contain much, so doesn't reach the bottom of a page, is there a way of making it stretch to fill the page, but when it already fills at least the page, it doesn't change?

Do you understand?

Thanks in advance.
No, sorry this doesn't work unless you use pixels, and then it may make it bigger than the page.

The problem is, the table is being used as a container for the rest of the page, and I want it to grow to fill the screen no matter how much text is in it.

Any other ideas?

actually that is not to be used according to W3C.. and tidy doesnt like it either.. so i believe it should be avoided... it will work in some browsers.. but better to do it via style..
frogrocker said:
No, sorry this doesn't work unless you use pixels, and then it may make it bigger than the page.

The problem is, the table is being used as a container for the rest of the page, and I want it to grow to fill the screen no matter how much text is in it.

Any other ideas?


If the table is being used as a container for the entirety of the page then when you add text to the table it will grow on its own without modifying the height. Just declare the table and fill it with content, it will expand to fill the page for as much as it needs.
Alexei Kubarev said:
<table style="height:100%">

inside the style tag we use only the pixels..
refer this tutorials
First check your hmtl of table like width,length or align. After proper value insert in html then solve your problem easily.

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Note that using height: 100% will make the height 100% of the container, NOT 100% of the page unless the page is the container. If you want your table to fill the page, put it inside a container div that is itself either set to height: 100% or a specific pixel value. Then height: 100% on the table should work.