Theft of PHP Code vs ASP.NET dll solution



Hi I am developing a new system and would like to hide certain functions from my clients. I am facing a choice whether to develop in PHP or and I know that in the solution would be to use dll files which would include this code I want to hide. Is there a suitable solution in PHP, as I would prefer doing all this in PHP if I have the option. Thanks alot
yes i think that is possible, does anyone know of a free alternative to that? thanks
Zend has been proved to be the safest one and i personaly didn find any information about a single case of it being cracked :) I've got a license for Zend SafeGuard suite and LOOOOVE it
nothing found... blähh... man: i dont have russian layout on my laptop... neither i have it on my desktop PC... :/ any chance you can find a link and PM me with it?
okey..i see what you ment oleg... hmmz.. that starts pissing me off... damn: i need some way of securing my scripts even more...