Useful PHP Articles, Sites



If you spot any particularly interesting or useful articles or sites related to PHP (or other pertinent IT topics), please post them here.

Today I came upon a short article called "Portable PHP Code". It's a pretty short article, but makes some good recommendations that you should follow even if you don't care about portability. Among the tips are why you should have register_globals off, why you should always use long tags (<?php instead of just <?), and why you should never hard-code database and table names. Check it out.
hay there many good php articles at by cogshell and other good authors :wink:
you forgot the most important.
Excellent articles for PHP ... is a PHP portal website, where list some free php scripts & projects, PHP tutorials & tips.
Check out the site to search and free download the scripts you want.
Hopefully can help you!
want to read new articles of html and css things..

Go to the with new things........ Best luck :)
Hi all,
I have recently launched my personal blog, and it contains a few basic php materials for the PHP beginner. I will be updating this periodically, as I intend to learn my self new material for PHP. I figured, if I teach it, or write about it, I learn it faster.
so just give a brotha soma luvin!
My favourite website for PHP tutorial is W3School website. It is te best website for learning HTML, PHP, Javascript, Ajax and many other languages.
This one is good site. Please refer