Vertrigo port 80



hi guys i have installed vertrigo server on my pc. And when i try to start it it says that it cant use 80 port and i need to check whatever is using it and disable.
1. BUT no one is using 80 port i did netstat -aon (it shows all ports and who uses them) and i cant find 80 port to be active.
2. I find some suggestions that i need to reconfigure this line in httpd.conf:
Listen 80
so i changed 80 to suggested 8000 or 8080, but after restart message still says same thing about port 80.
3. And i create exception in windows firewall for this port, still not working.
What else should i do?
are you using skype. Because skype runs on port 80 default. If it is open you close it and restart vertrigo server again