voting poll codes wrong?



i hava a voting poll and its almost ok (1 question, 4 answers)
but if you choose one and click vote then it cant be saved and some wrong sentences appear
i think something is wrong with the poll_data.txt where the results should be saved. Here are the codes of this poll_data.txt
please check if you can see the problem:

$RESULT_FILE_NAME = "poll_data.txt"; ഀ
// En: ഀ
$QUESTION = "How do you like this Script?"; ഀ
// En: Question Text. ഀ
$ANSWER = array("Love it!", "Like it!", "Its okay..", "I dislike it", "I hate it.."); ഀ
// En: All answer. ഀ
$IMG_DIR_URL = "./vote"; ഀ
// En:ഀ
$REVOTE_TIME = 3600; ഀ
// En: Time (second) after people can revote, use cookies. ഀ
The form submits, but the answers do not get recorded to the data file, correct? Does your script have write privilages to the data file (directory) you are writing to? ...if not, that might be the problem.

good luck
may be the problem is in the codes.. here are the codes:
// En: Begin PHP Code / Fr: Debut code PHP

// Necessary Variables:

$RESULT_FILE_NAME = "poll_data.txt";
	// En: http://....poll/poll_data.txt
	// Fr: http://.....poll/poll_data.txt

$QUESTION = "How do you like this Script?";
	// En: Question Text.
	// Fr: Texte de la question.
$ANSWER = array("Love it!", "Like it!", "Its okay..", "I dislike it", "I hate it..");
	// En: All answer.
	// Fr: Reponses possibles

$IMG_DIR_URL = "./vote";
	// En:
	// Fr:

$REVOTE_TIME = 3600;
	// En: Time (second) after people can revote, use cookies.
	// Fr: Temps en second apres lequel une personne peut revoter.

// End  Necessary Variables section

if (! $vote && ! $result) {
	echo "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\">\n";
	echo "<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=0>\n";
	echo "<TR><TH>$QUESTION</TH></TR>\n";
	while (list($key, $val) = each($ANSWER)) {
		echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"answer\" VALUE=\"$key\"> $val</TD></TR>\n";
	echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"Submit\" NAME=\"vote\" VALUE=\" Vote \"></TD></TR>\n";
	echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\"><INPUT TYPE=\"Submit\" NAME=\"result\" VALUE=\" See Result \"></TD></TR>\n";
	echo "</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>";
} else {

	$file_array = file($poll_data.txt); // or error("Can not open \$poll_data.txt");

	// En: Save result
	// Fr: Enregistre le resultat
	if ($answer < count($ANSWER) && $vote) {
		if (count($file_array) < count($ANSWER))  {
			$file_array = array("0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n", "0\n");
		$old_answer = $file_array[$answer];
		$old_answer = preg_replace("/\n\r*/", "", $old_answer);
		$file_array[$answer] = ($old_answer + 1)."\n";

		$file = join('', $file_array);
		$fp = fopen("$poll_data.txt", "r+"); //or error("Can not write \$poll_data.txt");
		flock($fp, 1);
		fputs($fp, $file);                                                     
		flock($fp, 3);
		echo "rate saved";

	// En: Display result
	// Fr: Affiche le resultat
	while (list($key, $val) = each($file_array)) {
		$total += $val;

	echo "<h2>PHP Poll vote results :</h2>";
	echo "<tr><th>What</th><th>Percentage</th><th>Votes</th></tr>";

	while (list($key, $val) = each($ANSWER)) {
		$percent =  $file_array[$key] * 100 / $total;
		$percent_int = floor($percent);
		$percent_float = number_format($percent, 1);
		$tp += $percent_float;
		echo "<tr><td> $ANSWER[$key] </td><td><img height=9 src=\"$IMG_DIR_URL/vote_left.gif\"><img height=9 width=\"$percent_int\" src=\"$IMG_DIR_URL/vote_middle.gif\"><img height=9 src=\"$IMG_DIR_URL/vote_right.gif\"> $percent_float % </td><td>$file_array[$key]</td></tr>";

	echo "</TABLE><br>";


please help. im going crazy :(
The phrase "it cant be saved and some wrong sentences appear" mean absolutely nothing to us. What do you mean by "it can't be saved"? Do you get an error? Is the file just not updated? And what, exactly, are these "wrong sentences"?
i have already found the mistakes(some array$)

how can you change the look of the table?
size or style...