What is 3D Furniture Modeling? Can someone kindly let me know?



I’m a student of graphics designing field, and I have been assigned to submit an assignment on various types of graphics designing areas. The assignment is supposed to a research based document in which every aspect has to be discussed in detail. I have secreted to make a research on 3D modeling but there are few things that I don’t understand clearly. Like I have no idea what is 3D Furniture Modeling and where is it used precisely. Similarly, there are other things as well that leaves big empty spots in my mind. I need help with the research. Can someone kindly share their views or want to share some knowledge that I can include in my assignment? Also, please provide references.
This Question is not relevant to A Php Forum & should be removed.
I suggest looking on Stack-Exchange for Graphic design Based
Questions and Answers or look on Deviant-Art/Quora for answers.
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