What is Ad hoc Testing??



Ad Hoc Testing is pretty much the exact opposite of structured testing.It's what most developers do when they want to make sure the code "compiles" and seems to behave itself. The tests are intended to be run only once, unless a defect is discovered.

Things like print_r or var_demp ing your global scope variables to check they are as they should be. Or running the script a few times to see that it works.

It's good for checking that your code is not obviously full of rubbish but it's no replacement for structured testing, unit tests and good QA.
Ad Hoc testing is a very popular terminology in the field of software testing. It refers to all action plans or measures which has been taken to test the software without any prior planning and documentation. It is the quickest method to find defects in a software system.
When a software testing performed without proper planning and documentation, it is said to be Adhoc Testing.