What the heck...mysql_connect



why is mysql_connect() an undefined function?
I'm trying to have my own webserver.

you need to have mysql installed... but i suppose that you do... what PHP version are you using? It might be so that you need to install a newer version of PHP so that it would have that function built-in..

Please give a bit more information about your server configuration..
OS, server soft, mysql and php versions.
Additional information is welcome..
Windows XP Professional
Microsoft ISS 5.1
Mysql Version: 4.0
PHP Version: 5.0.2

PHP does work if i do the echo something.
I also have no idea what I am doing.

Virtuoso said:
I also have no idea what I am doing.

Well that sounds good :D
hehe.. Hmmz..
Lets see... I didnt like PHP5 but it should work.. did you use an install package or downloaded an archive?

Check that you have everything set correctly in PHP.ini
I kind of dont understand why mysql_connect doesnt work for you..
that should work thou :S
uh...where should i find the php.ini?
It sure isn't in my PHP folder
in wINDOWS folder :)

That means that you used install... hmmz... should work then :S
try PHP4 instead.. :)

Fully remove PHP5 first :)
Virtuoso said:
uh...where should i find the php.ini?
It sure isn't in my PHP folder
try download http://www.php.net/get/php-5.0.2-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror
after that unpack in c:\php folder
inside this folder you can see php.ini.
In PHP5 no matter there is your php.ini file in c:\php or c:\windows.....
Reccomend download manual in CHM format in this manual you can read about installation PHP5 under windows...