which language to use?



hi to all!
I have started programming with php and I am quite happy with this language. But I read that dynamic content pages (and this gets even worse for dynamic URLs) cannot be indexed by search engines.
Some people though say that a web page with just a .php extension (i.e. without any "?" marks in the URL) can be indexed. Therefore my question. Is there a language that does not show up as an extension to the web page? Perl, for example needs to have an .shtml ext to the URL in order to work.
Please, if anyone knows, answer my question

1) dinamic pages can be indexed by search engines
2) dinamic pages with variables can be indexed (for exemle http://www.domain.com/index.php?test=realtest)
3) Who say you that perl needs shtml extension ? he needs .pl or .cgi extensions...
4) You can change any extension of the page... just carefulyy read manuals... link for you http://httpd.apache.org ...
Pejone said:
1) dinamic pages can be indexed by search engines
2) dinamic pages with variables can be indexed (for exemle http://www.domain.com/index.php?test=realtest)
3) Who say you that perl needs shtml extension ? he needs .pl or .cgi extensions...
4) You can change any extension of the page... just carefulyy read manuals... link for you http://httpd.apache.org ...

1) they can, but most search engine's don't.
2) see 1
3) agreed, but when your site is hosted on a shared server you probably cant change this.
4) see 3

Think again...