I am writing a PHP module to send emails to multiple addresses asynchronously. The emails will also have come CC's of the corresponding group.
I have used the following code as my basis for the module: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36540651/making-phps-mail-asynchronous/36592255#36592255
The emails are being sent successfully, however there is one big problem: some of the emails are being CC'd to emails that are not from their corresponding groups. This has caused confusion and frustration to us.
Why does this happen?
My hunch is that I am not passing the values by reference in the foreach loop, but I am not sure.
Can you please help me? Thanks!
To give you a better idea of what I am doing to send multiple emails asynchronously, I will add a general snippet of the code I do:
This is the AsynchMail.php:
As requested by php-Rob, I have added an excerpt where this problem happens a lot. This code was modified to have different variables for each CC rather than an array for all of them but I have the original concept commented out so you can see how it worked:
I am writing a PHP module to send emails to multiple addresses asynchronously. The emails will also have come CC's of the corresponding group.
I have used the following code as my basis for the module: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36540651/making-phps-mail-asynchronous/36592255#36592255
The emails are being sent successfully, however there is one big problem: some of the emails are being CC'd to emails that are not from their corresponding groups. This has caused confusion and frustration to us.
Why does this happen?
My hunch is that I am not passing the values by reference in the foreach loop, but I am not sure.
Can you please help me? Thanks!
To give you a better idea of what I am doing to send multiple emails asynchronously, I will add a general snippet of the code I do:
unset($mail_CC); //I have to clear whatever was in that variable
$mail_CC = array(); //re-declare it
I add the other stuff needed, $mail_from, $from_name, $mail_CC[], $subject, $message
AsynchMail::addMail($subject, $mail_to, $mail_CC, $mail_from, $from_name, $message, $tieneAdjuntos, $adjuntos, $nombresAdjuntos);//add to queue
register_shutdown_function("AsynchMail::send"); //When I'm done adding emails to the queue, send them
This is the AsynchMail.php:
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
require '../PHPMailer/src/PHPMailer.php';
require '../PHPMailer/src/Exception.php';
require '../PHPMailer/src/OAuth.php';
require '../PHPMailer/src/POP3.php';
require '../PHPMailer/src/SMTP.php';
class AsynchMail{
public static $mails = [];
public static function addMail($subject, $mail_to, $mail_CC = null, $mail_from, $from_name, $message, $tieneAdjuntos = false, $adjuntos = null, $nombresAdjuntos = null){
self::$mails[] = [
"subject" => $subject,
"to" => $mail_to,
public static function send(){
foreach(self::$mails as $correo){
if($correo['tieneAdjuntos'] == true){
$files = array(); $nameAdjuntos = array();
$files = $correo['ajuntados'];
$nameAdjuntos = $correo['nombresAdjuntados'];
$files[] = $correo['ajuntados'];
$nameAdjuntos[] = $correo['nombresAdjuntados'];
$mail = new phpmailer (true);
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mail->SetLanguage("es", 'includes/phpMailer/language/');
$mail->Host = 'xxx'; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = 'xxx'; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = 'xxx'; // SMTP password
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
$mail->Port = 587; // TCP port to connect to
$mail->FromName = $correo['from_name'];
if($correo['to']!= null && $correo['to'] != ""){
$mail->AddAddress ($correo['to']);
if($correo["CC"] != null){
foreach($correo["CC"] as $CC){
$mail -> Subject = $correo['subject'];
$mail -> Body = $correo['message'];
$mail -> IsHTML (true);
$archivos = 'Mi Lybro';
$msg = "Mensaje Enviado";
if (count($files) > 0)
$count = 0;
$msg .= "<ul>";
foreach ($files as $fil)
$tmp_name = $fil;
// $tmp_name = "20180212TEST2.jpg";
$extension = end($explodefile);
$filx = realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/../archivos/$tmp_name";
$msg .= "<li>$tmp_name</li>";
$name = uniqid('bc') . '_' . $tmp_name;
$numero = '';
if(count($files) >1 && $count != 0){
$numero = "-$count";
if(!$mail -> AddAttachment ($filx, $nameAdjuntos[$count])){
echo "<script>alert('whaaa: $filx');</script>";
$msg .= '</ul>';
if (!$mail -> Send ())
echo "<script>alert('No se pudo enviar el mensaje: {$mail->ErrorInfo}');</script>";
$to = $correo['to'];
echo "Enviado exitosamente a $to <br>";
As requested by php-Rob, I have added an excerpt where this problem happens a lot. This code was modified to have different variables for each CC rather than an array for all of them but I have the original concept commented out so you can see how it worked:
$soloCargoExtra = true;
$regArticulo = listadoDepositosCeroCC("ENV");
$stmt19 = detalleCuentaPedidoEspecial_1();
$stmt20 = detalleFacturaPedidoEspecial_1();
// $mail_CC = "";
// $mail_CC = array();
$mail_CC1 = ''; $mail_CC2=''; $mail_CC3='';
$mail_CC4=''; $mail_CC5='';
$dep_id = $registroDD['dep_id'];
$totalAPagar = 0;
$totalArticulos = 0;
$cuentaEspecial = detalleCuentaPedidoEspecial_2($dep_id, $stmt19);
$especial = $cuentaEspecial['cuenta'];
$TipoCorreo = detalleFacturaContabilidad2Guia($dep_id);
if ($TipoCorreo['nombre_archivo'] != '')
$tipos = 7;
}else {
$tipos = 4;
$msjCorreo = datalleCorreosMensajes($tipos);
$men= $msjCorreo['tit_mensaje'];
$location = $registroDD['dep_id_proveedor'];
$ValidacionProveedor = detalleOKProve($location);
$vincular = $ValidacionProveedor['pro_id_clave'];
$correoContabilidad = $ValidacionProveedor['pro_contactoC'];
$correoCC = $ValidacionProveedor['pro_contactoCC'];
$seVinculaA = $ValidacionProveedor['pro_vincular'];
if($seVinculaA != ''){
$validacionVinculo = detalleOKProve($seVinculaA);
$correoContabilidadVinculo = $validacionVinculo['pro_contactoC'];
$correoCCVinculo = $validacionVinculo['pro_contactoCC'];
if($correoCCVinculo != ""){
// $mail_CC[] = $correoCCVinculo;
$mail_CC1 = $correoCCVinculo;
if($correoCC != ""){
//$mail_CC[] = $correoCC;
$mail_CC2 = $correoCC;
//$mail_CC[] = "sssss";
$Selecvincular = detalleOKProveedorVicular($vincular);
$mail_to = ($correoContabilidad != "" ? $correoContabilidad : $correoContabilidadVinculo);
if($correoContabilidad != ""){
//$mail_CC[] = $correoContabilidadVinculo;
$mail_CC3 = $correoContabilidadVinculo;
$mail_CC5 = 'ssssss';
$postback = isset($_POST['postback']) ? true : false;
$mail_from = "ssss";
$from_name = "ssss";
$subject = "aaaa";
$message = "";
if($especial == 0){
$message = 'beginning message';
$idDeposito = $registroDD['dep_id'];
$regDetalleArticulo = DetalleDepositoDetalleMultiple2($idDeposito);
$soloCargoExtra = false;
$stmt3 = detalleFA_1();
if($registroD['depD_id_articulo'] != "Extras")
$articulo = $registroD['depD_id_articulo'];
$detalleArtas = detalleFA_2($articulo, $stmt3);
$totalISBN = $detalleArtas['art_cantidad'] * $detalleArtas['art_cost'];
$message .= '>>>>>';
$totalAPagar += $totalISBN;
$totalArticulos += $detalleArtas['art_cantidad'];
$razon = $registroD['depD_comentario'];
$message .= 'rerer';
$totalAPagar += $registroD['depD_total'];
$message .= 'rerererer';
$totalAPagar += $registroD['depD_total'];
$detalleSaldoF = detalleSaldoAFavordesdeDeposito($dep_id);
if(floatval($detalleSaldoF['dep_saldofavor']) != 0)
$stmt21 = detalleComentarioSaldoFavorProveedor_1();
$saldo = $detalleSaldoF['dep_saldofavor'];
$proveedor = $location;
$detalleComentarioSF = detalleComentarioSaldoFavorProveedor_2($proveedor, $saldo, $stmt21);
$SFComentario = $detalleComentarioSF['dellSaldo_comentario'];
$totalAPagar -= $detalleSaldoF['dep_saldofavor'];
$message .= '333333';
$message .= 'aaaaaa';
$message .= 'still message';
$factura = detalleFacturaPedidoEspecial_2($dep_id, $stmt20);
$message = 'mess';
$message .= 'age';
if ($postback)
$tieneAdjuntos = true;
$adjuntos = array();
$nombresAdjuntos = array();
if (isset ($_FILES["archivos".$aa]))
$count = 0;
foreach ($_FILES["archivos".$aa]["error"] as $key => $error)
if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
$conteo = '';
if($count != 0)
$conteo = "-$count";
$tmp_name = $_FILES["archivos".$aa]["tmp_name"][$key];
$namet = $_FILES["archivos".$aa]["name"][$key];
$exploded = explode('.', $namet);
$extension = end($exploded);
$name = $claveP.$conteo.'.'.$extension;
$name = date("dmY").$name;
$listaComprobantes = listadoArchivosContabilidad($dep_id, "Comprobante");
$adjuntos = null;
$nombresAdjuntos = null;
if(mysqli_num_rows($listaComprobantes) > 0){
$adjuntos = array(); $nombresAdjuntos= array();
while($registroComp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($listaComprobantes)){
$adjuntos[] = $registroComp['nombre_archivo'];
$nombresAdjuntos[] = $registroComp['nombre_archivo'];
$listaComprobantesGuia = listadoArchivosContabilidad($dep_id, "Guia");
if(mysqli_num_rows($listaComprobantesGuia) > 0){
$subject .= " y Número de Guía";
while($registroCompGuia = mysqli_fetch_assoc($listaComprobantesGuia)){
$adjuntos[] = $registroCompGuia['nombre_archivo'];
$nombresAdjuntos[] = $registroCompGuia['nombre_archivo'];
AsynchMail::addMail($subject, $mail_to, $mail_CC1, $mail_CC2, $mail_CC3, $mail_CC4, $mail_CC5, $mail_from, $from_name, $message, $tieneAdjuntos, $adjuntos, $nombresAdjuntos);